Sunday, March 13, 2011

Blaze basketball

Dj's freethrows with Team BlazE

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Jackson and his leprechaun trap for school. We made the gold coins and the pot out of clay, he had a really good time making this project. So proud of him.

New Year New things

I need to stop staying up so late, this is getting my clock wayyyy off, I found that I now have to take naps during the day to get enough sleep, so not a good things, lol. Starting to wear makeup now, had to wait until I am damn near 40 to do it, lol. I am experimenting and so far I like what I am doing. I did some hot pink and purple eye shadow and I never thought I could pull it off because of my skin color but I loved it, love it, love it. lol. The boys are doing good, mr jackson is showing his butt so I have to stay on top of him. I will post more pics of my makeup journey. I am thinking of going natural also, if I decide that I will post pics of that too.